Maximum Bio-availability
Maximum Bio-availability
The Nano vitamins are not digested in a regular fashion, but rather are absorbed through all tissue membranes.
They don't need to be broken down like regular foods because they are already in 'nanometer size'. Imagine one millionth of a millimeter! This means the absorption of Nano particles are not stopped by regular digestive processes and even cell walls. Accordingly, the bioavailability is approaching 100%.
The equivalence of this oral route with Nano vitamins can rival that of intravenous administration, but without any needles!
The Nano vitamin C absorption by mouth avoids any digestive upset as with regular oral vitamin C,
beyond 4 to 6 grams per day.
The Importance of Vitamin C
The Importance of Vitamin C
Two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling continued to promote high dosing of vitamin C to assist in body repair including terminal cancer patients. More recently liposomes have been used in medical research, supplement and drug delivery, anti aging skin care and much more.
High dosing with vitamin C is considered a nutraceutical / therapeutic therapy, but most people can benefit from taking more bioavailable doses of vitamin C. Humans, unlike most plants and animals, don't make their own vitamin C.
Stress, chemicals, toxic environment, electromagnetic exposure just to name a few, are depleting our limited stores of vitamin C, and weaken the immune system. Everyone can benefit from vitamin C regularly to facilitate general body repair, to avoid illness, as well as to capitalize on anti-aging value as in all anti-oxidants.
Everyone can benefit from vitamin C regularly to facilitate general body repair, to avoid illness, as well as to capitalize
on anti-aging value as in all anti-oxidants.
Two time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling continued to promote high dosing of Vitamin C to assist in body repair
including terminal cancer patients.
High dosing with Vitamin C is considered a Nutraceutical/Therapeutic therapy, but most people can benefit from taking more bioavailable doses of Vitamin C as humans, unlike most plants and animals, don't make their own vitamin C.
Clinical trials have demonstrated that Liposomal Vitamins are able to achieve serum levels, much higher than
those ever thought possible with other forms of oral vitamins.